06 May 2009

the first of many musical posts

we'll start off the first of my musical posts with a little Jedi Mind Tricks...a song i loved the first time i heard, and my first introduction to the lyrical gang-bang that is Mr. Lif...

the first time i was introduced to this song was a sweltering summer i spent in one of my favorite places, the city of Austin, Tejas. If you've never been to Austin never stopped in to Star Seeds Cafe at 3:45am, after a couple of Mexican Margarita's and some traversing of the 6th Street scene and catching a show at Stubb's BBQ, you are truly cheating yourself. It's a top tier town, a progressive town, a college town and a tech town simultaneously, and all the things each of these towns would offer alone, Austin offers in a package...and it's a short drive from the Salt Lick, and I'll go more indephtly on the Salt Lick when I do my "Get your eat on!" post. The song just resonates with the things I loved about Austin- an incredible music scene, where you can see soulful music of all genres on any given night (those with the time and the love for live music have just been living an incomplete life if you've never been to South by Southwest, a music festival held in Austin every year. simply incredible). The lyrics just remind me of that soulful beat that seems to pulse throughout the city, and it just makes me a happy camper. Thanks Stetson...

can't really have an introductory snapshot of my musical background without a little stevie wonder (as opposed to "little stevie wonder" from the "I was made to love her" time- which i also love, but in a different way, in the way you may love peanut butter cookies and Sunday afternoons differently)...

this was a hard choice for me, as there is so much stevie wonder that i really enjoy...as i mentioned earlier, one of my favorite songs is "little stevie wonder" in "I was made to love her," the deep bass and the sweeping beat in "Livin' for the city" also makes it a classic, and i can't even speak of the man if i don't "big up" my mom and dad's favorite stevie song, "As" from Songs in the Key of Life...but this can't just be a stevie wonder love fest, but i imagine that will happen some day as well...

...you never know where you'll hear good music and who will also have a love for the same music, someone that will be able to contribute your rantings about how awesome your find is...this is one of those finds...i was in a music store at the National Debate Tournament in Springfield, MO. Let's just say Springfield, while not exactly the Anti-Austin, at times and in place makes a great argument (although if you're looking for a club that caters to "gentlemen," Springfield is your spot- just don't have high expectations). i was just walking through the store, and this song came on...i walked over to the register to ask what it was, they didn't know, so they stopped the CD player to see and tell me. Best thing I did in Springfield all weekend...the NDT sucked, but that's another post (or maybe a previous one)...anyway, if you're not a jazz fan, or a live music fan, please just bypass this one...but if not as you listen to the guitar, think this is October 1971, about 3-4 years before the funk guitar really gets going...

we'll close it off with a some hip hop, and this is another of those CD's i didn't know what i was getting into when i put it on for the first time, this group came so correct in their first two songs on this album that i was sprung immediately, and now i want to share some of this, not a group anymore, but if you don't have the album, pick it up, it's tight....just picked this joint up the same way i pick up most of my recent hip-hop, burning it for Holland...good looking out....

back to grading Areopagitica papers now...FML...

1 comment:

  1. the musical post is a classic...i want more of this, and waiting for the all Stevie Wonder post...
